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How to Put Text Message Marketing To Work This Holiday Season
Need a better way to reach shoppers and boost sales this holiday season? Text messaging may be the answer. Whether you send plain text messages or branded images and videos, mobile marketing can attract more buyers throughout the holidays, from Black Friday and Cyber Monday to Christmas and post-holiday retail sales.

5 Tactics to Make Text Marketing Work
“People sign up for email opt-in lists all the time, but 95 percent of email is spam, and with the typical user getting hundreds of emails a day, even if you’ve opted in, marketing email can get lost by the wayside,” explains James Citron, CMO of payvia, a mobile messaging and payment service. The danger of marketing emails being ignored is especially high now that Gmail automatically divides inboxes into three or more folders, automatically gathering promotional emails into their own ghetto, far away from the “primary” messages users are likely to prefer.

payvia CMO James Citron talks about why MMS will be driving mobile marketing in 2014
“It’s an app that every single person in the world has,” says James Citron, the CMO of Payvia and former CEO of Mogreet.” People don’t think about it but there are two apps that are on every phone — phone calling and texting.” Despite the popularity of messaging apps like WhatsApp and Viber, which are also seen as possible vehicles for advertising, because it comes standard on smartphones, MMS is growing faster.

Is Text Message Marketing Right For Your Business?
How can you get your message into the palm of your customers’ hands? It could be as easy as sending them a text. With so many people attached to their phones, texting things like special offers or videos may catch your clients’ attention. James Citron, the chief marketing officer at payvia, tells us why text message marketing is an effective option.

payvia Adds New Features To Bill-To-Carrier Mobile Payments Platform
When it comes to mobile payments, consumers are more likely to proceed to checkout when a transaction is smoother and doesn’t require the inputting of lots of numbers. With that in mind, payvia recently added two features to its bill-to-carrier mobile payments platform, available to merchants through an API. ProgrammableWeb spoke about those changes and more with company CTO Alek Zdziarski at API World.

3 Reasons the iPhone 5s Is Better For Business
Along with the iPhone 5S, Apple also released the iPhone 5C, a lower-cost alternative that comes in five colors: green, blue, yellow, pink and white. For consumers, this means a wider range of iPhone products to choose from. For businesses, it’s an opportunity to reach a wider range of consumers via mobile marketing.

SMS marketing to get a boost from dismissal of pivotal law suit
In a potential game-changer for the use of SMS by brands, a judge has dismissed several suits alleging patent infringement by The New York Times, JCPenney and others because of their use of hyperlinks in text messages.

Mobile Payments Firm Offers Phone-Carrier Billing As Credit Card Alternative
With nearly 96 percent of the world’s population at the end of 2012 holding mobile subscriptions, according to the International Telecommunication Union, many technology companies are innovating ways to perform common tasks from mobile devices to make the user experience as convenient as possible. Making a payment has become one of those tasks.

Why Mobile Commerce is Finally Poised to Take Flight
For years, industry analysts and mobile industry executives have clamored about the dawn of mobile payments and how it is soon to transform the way consumers buy and merchants sell products. Just recently, Juniper Research estimated that the value of transactions conducted via mobile will exceed $3.2 trillion by 2017.

Shopping on a smartphone sucks. payvia (and everyone else) wants to fix it
What’s your credit card number? I don’t ask because I’m trapped in some third-world prison with no way to pay my own ransom — what is this, 1999? — I’m simply wondering if you can recite your credit card number, CCV, expiration date, and legal name without grabbing your wallet. Now imagine someone asking this every time you want to purchase something with your smartphone, and you might understand why many mobile shoppers are abandoning their virtual shopping carts just before checkout.